Choosing The Best Quit Smoking Method

26/07/2015 10:31

For another time now I take this platform to ask my fellow smokers who intend to quit smoking, to make use of the most ideal quit smoking method.

And while I have listed the use of nicotine replacement options, quit smoking medication, and the use of hypnotherapy before, I haven’t quite come up to give you the best method of the three.

Well, today is you lucky day as I choose to give you the very best option to go for among these three practical options.

But before doing that, lets first agree that all these methods work, though to a different degree but their main objective is to help any smoker to walk away from this fatal puff. But why should one method work better than the rest?

Actually if you have worked with many smokers before and studied the effects of smoking on the human health, you will realize than it will most definitely take time to quit a puff once you have stepped in.

Smoking usually releases what we call freebase nicotine that is ideally responsible to the addiction that many smokers suffer from.

This nicotine will damage the brain and in turn affect how smoking influences the lifespan of a smoker, and also their response to habitual issues.

That is why when a smoker decides to walk away they will be met with nicotine withdrawal symptoms that would threaten to tear them apart if they don’t get the right support, or hold themselves together in the right way, up until they back-slip.

Sounds tough but trust me it is the real thing. So if you need to walk away from that puff, any smoker should get a method that apart from just giving the results should also have such an ideal cutting edge.

  • First it should have a great quitting plan in place.
  • It should make use of a readily available quit smoking professional.
  • It should have a quantifiable quit smoking timeline in place.
  • Should be flexible to the smoker’s needs such as working time.
  • Above all should have great and timely results.

To me such a method would be none but an ideal quit smoking hypnosis. And I’m not saying so because it helped me to walk away from smoking, bust since I have seen the least number of back-slipping patients from this quarter.

So my final word to you is that if you intend to wade off the effects of hitting on that puff, choose stop smoking by hypnotherapy it works like a charm.