Richard Grannon

04/07/2016 14:06

Richard Grannon is one of the most celebrated professional life coaches. He specializes in Spartan life coaching that uses the Spartan life values of strength, bravery, and self discipline to instill highly practical life skills on the many life coaching clients that he works with. Amongst the major skills that Spartan Life Coaching highly value include obedience, self discipline, pure commitment to career and life aspirations, and utmost dedication to whatever one does. These skills allow one to pursue all the desirable behavioral qualities, life goals, and to eventually achieve their life’s greatest expectations.

Since his practice and even before, Richard Grannon has believed in improving the lives of each and every person that he works or shares a moment with. This has made him very popular, highly committed to his work, and set him aside from the rest of the life coaching clique. Well this was always his dream ever since he was a young lad. In fact Richard in everything that he did Richard had pursued this aspiration in every way possible.

Initially (way back in his early twenties) Richard had in fact coached teenagers on how to nurture their emotions, set goals, and make the most informed decisions in life and every other single day. This was a great pointer to his commitment in influencing the lives of others positively. He further on sought his professional training and certification from the prestigious Aston University in Birmingham where he graduated with a BSc in Psychology. To crown it all Richard chose to practice under some of the best mentors such as Bandler before moving out solo.

And with the right tools in place Grannon embarked in professional practice as full time life coach. He used his professional knowledge together with his love for Spartan coaching values to seek and develop practical life coaching mechanisms that have greatly improved the lives of many people across a number of countries that he has previously worked in. In fact together with Bandler, Grannon has been able to design one of the best communication programs that work independently to enhance the communication systems between abused victims and their therapists. The program known as the Neuro- Linguistic Programming (NLP) also seeks to ease the process of finding practical solutions to these victims especially those who suffer from narcissistic abuse and other complex PTSD situations.

Today Richard has demystified the rarely sought after Narcissistic abuse therapy and complex PTSD situations. This has become his area of specialty and where he has improved many peoples’ lives and achieved undisputed positive change. His love for narcissistic abuse stemmed from the fact that he also witnessed such from his close relationships while growing up. NLP was a huge success and won him a Master Practitioner Certification.

Grannon has achieved so much across many countries including the UK, Portugal, and Malaysia. He has also amassed enough experience and ideal insight on how to address everyday life coaching challenges that he might meet along the way.